When I was 11 years old, I started doing chores for a neighbor that had German Wirehaired Pointers which he hunted, ran in AKC horseback trials and showed. I spent a great deal of time with him, training, helping whelp puppies, etc.
I got my first wirehair, Tailor, from him soon after that. Tailor and I hunted ducks, geese, pheasant, quail and even squirrels and rabbits for 11 years.
In the following years I owned and hunted over 2 more GWP’s.
In 1988, with the last AKC wirehair I had, I got involved with the Hawkeye Chapter of NAVHDA and met some people with Deustch Drahthaar’s (German Registered Wirehairs).
In 1990, I got my first German Registered dog, Moses vom Wildrucken. Though our testing never advanced past Natural Ability in both NAVHDA and the VDD, we hunted a lot. Mose passed away in July 2001.
In 2002, I imported Ebba vom Drostenberg from Germany and got very involved in training for VDD and NAVHDA tests. In 2004, I applied for and got the kennel name 'vom Entenmoor'. The name roughly translates to 'from Ducks Marsh', which is where we have the good fortune of living. Bobbi and I are currently members of the VDD-GNA Heartland Chapter, NA-JGV, NADKC, and NAVHDA. We both serve as officers for Illowa NAVHDA. In addition, I completed the apprentice judge program for the VDD in 2006 and was approved as a JGHV association judge in 2007. It is an honor to serve in that capacity.
While we live in a flood zone and have flooded out in 2008 and 2014, we feel extremely fortunate to live in such a beautiful area with access to fields and water on a daily basis. We share our good fortune by hosting multiple JGHV and NAVHDA tests and regularly host training days for our puppy owners, friends, and these organizations. The saying goes 'if we're home, we're training'.
Congratulations & Thank You
Armbruster 2008

High Score ~ Louis Ligeno
Cort vom Entenmoor
198 HZP ~ 207.5 Armbruster
2nd High Score ~ Larry Reeves
Colt vom Entenmoor
193 HZP ~ 204.5 Armbruster
Entenmoor is the first kennel in history to take 1st and 2nd place at the Armbruster. This was a great honor for us.